Thursday, 28 May 2015

My egg diary

My Egg Diary
Last week in class we had to look after an egg for a week, yes a real egg! The rules were that we weren't allowed to boil it. And If we broke it we weren't allowed to get a new one. (Apart from the first day of looking after them.) We had to make a house for them, I made mine out of a plastic compartment box with materials and cotton wool.

Today Bob arrived. Here is a picture of Bob with his new friend Mr Potato. This was these two’s first day of school. (As well as the day they were born.)eggs.jpg

Here is a picture of Bob in his house at school. In his house there is a bathroom, a pantry, a fridge, a freezer, a nappy changing room, a playroom and
a bed.                  bob hi.jpg
Here is a picture of Bob at school reading a book at
reading time.May 21, 2015 8:55:47 AM.jpg
Here is a picture of Bob helping me at school do my reading activity


Quick write

The big jump

ManuelToribio-THE%20FLIGHT[1].jpgFor our writing we got given a picture of a boy about to jump off a wharf. We had to pretend that we were that person. We also got asked to use complex sentences, short sharp sentences and interrupter sentences. We had to show and not tell to make the reader think more about the story. Here is mine, it is called the big jump.

As I am taking my shoes off, I take in the scene around me. The sad, dark, murky sky. The grey clouds. I drag my feet across the rustic wharf, thinking of a way to get me out of this but it’s too late.

There is no backing out. The seagulls squawk. The water glistens. The clouds slowly separate. This has been a long day.

I walk up to the edge, look down to see my reflection. My feet perched on the edge. My heart pounds. Tight throat. Eyes closed. Bent knees. Hold my breath. I froze. Push off.
I am free, flying in the air, until gravity pulls me closer and closer to the water surface. I skim across.

The water lapping around me, the seagulls squawking, circling above, I cannot believe myself. I have done it. I have done the jump. All I can taste is the salty seawater. But it was worth it.

As I come up from under water, I let go off my breath, swim to the side of the wharf and heave myself back up.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Backwards walkover

Backwards Walkover
For writing we had to write a poem about a moment in sport that only took 10 seconds. We got asked to include strong verbs, only use necessary words, start each new action with a capital letter and on a new line.

Damp green grass,
Leaf carpet surrounding me,
Arms stretched up to the sky,
Pushing against my ears,
Stretched back,
Find my balance
Toes pointed
Hands touching the ground,
Kicking over,
Pushing off,
Feet leaving the ground,


And then
                            And then

Landing with a pounce,

Monday, 11 May 2015

To the unknown soldier

My writing to the unknown soldier

For writing we had to write to an unknown soldier (A dead soldier.) We got asked to use complex sentences, short sharp sentences, paragraphs and ask questions. Each one of my paragraphs is about a different thing, for example one is about the uniform, one is about the shooting and the other paragraphs are about something else. Here is my writing.

To the unknown soldier,
I am writing to you today to share my thoughts with you. I want you to know that I have remembered you this ANZAC day, you are not forgotten. I know that .
your family still misses you every second of the day.

What was it like to put on your uniform for the first time, Did you feel proud? We have learnt about what the uniforms were like, how the soldiers cut them because they were so hot. Did you do that? I can’t imagine what it would have been like for you to carry around all of those heavy bombs, spades and artillery's.

What went through your mind when you saw someone get shot? We have heard about the men lying in no man's land. We have heard about some of the terrible injuries that the soldiers have had.  We have learnt about the shrapnel that caused soldiers to lose arms and legs. Did you ever get terribly injured?  We have also learnt about the stretcher bearers coming to rescue the wounded in no man’s land.

What was it like first going to war? We have heard about the conscientious objectors who chose not to go to war. Did you want to go to war, or were you forced to go? I cannot imagine what it would of been like for you to leave your family to go to war and sacrifice your life for us.

Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for being brave for us. Thank you for putting all of your blood, sweat and tears, putting your   life on the line to fight for our country. I cannot imagine what it would of been like as the sound of a deafening gun or explosion went off. I cannot imagine how you felt when you saw someone get shot, it must have been awful.

I am only an eleven year old girl in year 6 but I still remember you every ANZAC day and I always will. I want you to know that you did a great thing for our country and that you have saved a lot of other lives.

Yours sincerely Harriet Mildon.